Moringa SKIN CARE & Hair Care – Australian

Moringa SKIN CARE & Hair Care – Australian

Moringa SKIN CARE Australian

Moringa Farm Australia Shop Online
Moringa Farm Australia Shop Cairns. Online 2011-till now


Our Oil is NOT solvent extracted, its only by temperature controlled cold compression.


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Moringa Farm Australia Skin Hair Care 90ml
Moringa Farm Australia Skin Hair Care 40ml, 90ml and 190ml choices  2011-2023

Pure Graded Moringa Oliefera SKIN CARE OIL is mainly chosen for its many well documented antioxidants and skin-rejuvenating properties. It contains four times as much collagen as carrot oil, helping to repair the skin’s collagen fibres. The inherent Vitamin C stabilizes collagen and helps reduce fine lines and repair damaged skin cells.

It contains Zeatin  (Studies published in ‘Rejuvenation Researches’ shows the undeniable youth-preserving effects of Zeatin are due to its ability to regulate cell division & growth, plus delay cell aging. With Moringa’s Zeatin, new skin cells grow at a faster rate than old skin cells die. This results in a marked reduction of look and feel of wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body, and a more youthful skin appearance) … and Moringa contains “Several Thousand Times More Zeatin than ANY Known Plant”

Although this oil is entirely edible and also extremely beneficial to our internals; its current high worth value is in its ability to directly provide new energy and effective nutrients to our external skin, hair and bodies.

It is one of the most desired oils increasingly used in expensive skin care and cosmetics. ( It’s cosmetic use has been traced back to ancient Egyptian times and used by the pharaohs ) Our Moringa Oliefera SKIN CARE OIL has no chemicals, whereas & unfortunately, almost all cosmetics with Moringa oil do contain chemicals. In addition, they only contain small percentages of Moringa oil. Our product is a whole bottleful of  100% Pure Moringa Oil.

In parts of Asia, this pure oil is also used to stimulate hair growth as it is believed to reduce, or even reverse baldness. This makes sense as this oil penetrates deeply into the skin, muscles, and scalp, delivering vital nutrients and also helping the skin and hair to retain moisture.

Increasing numbers of people are using this Moringa Oliefera SKIN CARE OIL for wrinkle reduction, blemish removal, dry skin, rejuvenating hair, and even body massages, increasing one’s relaxation and emotional well being.

It’s completely non sticky and is a marvelous reinvigorating skin application.

Under the eyes, facial and neck skins can start to tighten and gain a suppleness and elasticity together with a very sensual feel. These same feelings can be experienced when applied anywhere on ones’ body skin.

Massage Moringa Oliefera SKIN CARE OIL into cuticles and nail beds to moisturise cuticles and strengthen nails. When applied to the hair, it can start to feel richly moisturised and gains a deep healthy sheen.

As it can reach under skin muscles, some masseuses use it as a highly specialised muscle massage oil.

When used regularly Moringa Oliefera SKIN CARE OIL helps prevent the re-occurrence of blemishes. It also helps clear blackheads and pimples

Due to its high concentration of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s also  used to help with skin allergies, rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, sunburns and also as a general soothing baby oil. Moringa is said to suppress the COX-2enzyme which is responsible for inflammation processes and pain. ( Personally, i have discovered its additional ability to stop serious itches that many other preparations seem not to do. I know it has definitely softened a friend’s hardened elbow skin, and only within days of applications )

Some practitioners find success in helping to treat rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and even cramps.

Moringa Oliefera SKIN CARE OIL contains about 70% oleic acid, which is also the reason it almost never turns rancid. It also contains nourishing qualities such as palmitoleic, linoleic acids, vitamins A, B, C, E, and other unsaturated fatty acids.

General skin care – Apply gently and lightly after a face wash or after a complete shower. If used the hair, massage into hair and scalp when hair is totally dry. This oil also creates a very pleasant feeling when used as a gentle hand rub at anytime of any day.

For specific targets, commence Moringa SKIN & HAIR CARE three times a day, then reducing to twice a day or just once at night.

Australian Global, Organically Grown Vegan Moringa Farm Cairns